Thursday, October 18, 2012

The SAGE Computer in Movies and TV Shows

Columbo operating the SAGE computer
Have you ever noticed the large computers in the computer operations room of movies and TV shows? They kinda of all look alike.

There is a good reason for that. These computers are remnants and copies of the SAGE A/N FSQ-7 computers, the largest computers ever built. This computer system was sold off to movie and TV productions companies and suppliers. The computer lives on in movies and TV shows.

THe SAGE computer on "Lost"

Even on "That's So Raven"! Nothing is sacred...

The SAGE computer was really large with a lot of parts. It's parts and copies have been used over and over in movies and TV shows. It it embodies all we envision a really really super computer looks like.

The SAGE in real-life

These pictures and many more can be found at a page called The AN/FSQ-7 on TV and in the Movies by Mike Loewen. Lots of pics of the computer from TV and movies since the 1960's.

Of course - Batman had one