Saturday, January 7, 2012

Justin Bieber's New Tattoo

Justin got a new tattoo - on his leg. OMG! Has he gone all Jerry Bergevin on us?

No matter what you think of tattooing, you would think someone as rich as Justin could afford a better Jesus rendering. Look at the close-up below. Is Jesus looking at his underwear showing, rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of his low waist line? Pull up those pants young man, Tattoo Jesus is watching!

Another strange picture was found on the Daily Mirror site. A man standing next to Justin is either picking his butt or removing a wedgie. Shouldn't he have asked permission first before having this picture taken. Maybe he did get permission, who knows...

Republican Rep. Jerry Bergevin is a Dork

New Hampshire State Representative Jerry Bergevin has introduced a new house bill, 1148 which would require that evolution is:
“taught in the public schools of this state as a theory, including the theorists’ political and ideological viewpoints and their position on the concept of atheism.”
It sounds like this is not so much about the theory of evolution, but the religous views of the proponents of evolution. In short - he has a bone to pick with them.
"I want the full portrait of evolution and the people who came up with the ideas to be presented. It's a worldview and it's godless. Atheism has been tried in various societies, and they've been pretty criminal domestically and internationally. The Soviet Union, Cuba, the Nazis, China today: they don't respect human rights."

"As a general court we should be concerned with criminal ideas like this and how we are teaching it. . . . Columbine, remember that? They were believers in evolution. That's evidence right there"
Gee.. I guess America returning back to it's Nazi roots would not be very good. Maybe he has a point?

One must wonder why he didn't mention the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Should this be taught in schools also?

All this religious talk in politics makes me nervous.

Quotes are from the Concord Monitor article HERE.