Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 21, 2011 The Apocalypse

UPDATE - Oct 22, 2011 - Sorry Harold - we are all still here. Better luck next time!

UPDATE - Oct 21, 2011 - It is morning, I am still awake, the good people I know are still here...

UPDATE - Nov 7, 2011 - I heard a report on the radio - Harold Camping admitted he made a mistake, and that he is now out of the predicting business.

Remember all the Hubbub on May 21, 2011, which was "Judgement Day"? Harold Camping from predicted that the Judgement Day, or Rapture was a "spiritual rapture", whatever that is. I never did really understand the explanation.

October 21, 2011 is now supposed to the the actual end of the world. As of this writing, that is tomorrow.

But if you were not one of the chosen on May 21, 2011 - there is nothing you can do. At this point you are either chosen or doomed. The decision has been made on May 21. This is the reason the doom-sayers are no longer driving around and handing out pamphlets. No reason to, any conversions now are worthless (according to them).

Harold Camping has changed his story a bit, though. He now says that the end of the world will "probably" be October 21, 2011. Probably! Is he finally having doubt? Isn't this akin to Moses striking the rock twice?!? Whoops!

It will be interesting what's response will be on October 22. I predict the response will be something like "Sorry for the mistake, but we've already spent the millions sent to us! We'll try to remember to wave from our new yacht!"

See the past ETR articles about this subject:

October 21 Apocalypse
Harold Camping and the Spiritual Rapture

You can still get a Jesus Action Figure. Pretty cool, but it won't do you any good if you did not pass judgement on May 21!

Monday, October 10, 2011

3 Things China Should Stop Doing ASAP

Not to pick on the Chinese - but ..... I'm going to pick on the Chinese. I know our Western society does a lot of sick things, but I keep hearing about these 3 very disturbing really unnecessary things. Why do they have to do such silly and evil things!

These things are so disgusting that I can not go into detail here. But you can look up the gory details yourself on the web and get involved in some movements against these practices.

Eating Monkey Brains

This is disgusting! While researching this topic on the web I found that most pictures and details of eating monkey brains are too disturbing for this blog. I can't go into the details - look it up yourself if you dare. It is still being done today! Amazing.

Bear Bile

Bear bile? Come on - disgusting! Wikipedia says bear bile is
a digestive juice produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder
How to they obtain bear bile? That is the bad part. They have cruel farms with bears in small cages. They suck bile from their gall bladder ... I can't go into the details, they are too sick, the stuff of nightmares.

Note: Bear bile is not used to cure impotence.

Shark Fins

Shark fins - yum yum!

This is totally ridiculous. Shark fins are used for shark fin soup. This soup is considered a delicacy and can cost $80/bowl. What is bad about this is how the shark fins are obtained. The process is known as shark finning. Fishermen catch a shark, cut off it's fin, and throw it back into the water to die without the fin.

Millions of sharks die this ghastly death and it is decimating the shark population.

I hear the arguments for these practices to continue:
  • Cures impotence
  • It is traditional
My rebuttal this: 1 - The Chinese government had to institute the One Child Policy because they were making too many babies. I don't think they need to do these weird things for impotence. Anyway, if they do, aren't there pills for this? And, aren't there factories in China making cheap knock-offs of these pills that would be better than bear bile? 2 - As adults you need to sometimes cast off some of your society's traditions that don't make sense. Grow up!

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