Monday, May 23, 2011

Harold Camping and the Spiritual Rapture

OK, this is weirder then Mike the Headless Chicken. And even a far bit sadder.

Harold Camping, the instigator of the failed Judgment Day, made a very long public statement tonight.

Usually his show consists of answering questions from callers. But tonight he was accepting no calls from the public. Harold talked for an hour trying to explain himself, then opened up for questions from a room full of reporters.

His talk at the beginning started out sounding like he was going to apologize. He sounded rather clear headed and humble about the whole thing. But he slowly digressed into rambling about this and that.

The upshot is that the Rapture actually happened on May 21, 2011. His error was in predicting what kind of Rapture it would be. It turned out to be a "spiritual rapture", or a rapture in spirit and not in the physical world. Thus, no earthquakes or people floating up to heaven.

He states the real end of the world WILL BE OCTOBER 21, 2011. On that day the saved will be swept up to heaven and the world will be destroyed very quickly. The non-saved will not go to hell, but will just cease to exist.

One reporter asked if will give any money back. They collected over $100M in donations (from crazy people) to spread the word. He thinks there is no point to returning the money, no one will need it after October 21, 2011.

So the debacle continues.


  1. Camping’s calculations were wrong and his assumptions naive, but Rapture and Judgment Day are still relevant! Humanity needs to know the truth. Listen to this very compelling recording from a new spiritual group that is making waves and getting the word out to be spiritually prepared with more than a simple prayer and some bible verses.

  2. I listened to your audio. Very good. I like your delivery, kind of erie.
    But, all talk like that is crazy talk like Harold Camping's. You should be writing a daily blog to explain yourself. That would be most enlightening. If you do that, post the URL here.
