Friday, August 19, 2011

Sundays and Laxatives

Amazing information is at your fingertips when you goof on on the internet!

Google Analytics is a free tool that lets you see search trends. What are people searching for in their browser?

My research has uncovered an interesting trend. Every Sunday - EVERY SUNDAY - the searches for "laxatives" increases significantly.

What could be the reason for this? I have thought of several possibilities:

  • Laxative commercials on TV are finally sinking in to peoples consciousness after a weekend of TV watching
  • Bad weekend diets, not enough fiber for 2 days?
  • Medical school students researching

The last possibility about NASCAR may have some merit. Here - I've plotted the search trends for NASCAR:

Is there a correlation between laxative searches and NASCAR searches? It sure seems so! I am going to leave it to the read to ponder why - I don't know!

Since this blog entry may turn up when people search for "laxatives", I'll list a good product here. You can click on this and actually order it...

I wonder what type of person searches for laxative on a Sunday? You would think that the majority of people know what a laxative is, where to get it, how it works. Why search on Google?

You can perform your own searches for interesting trends. Here is the actually working trend tool. Select the "edit" link and enter your own terms. GIVE IT A TRY...

Please comment below if you uncover anything interesting!

NOTE: See my laxative-related story at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for this post. Laxatives is a good way to lose weight healthy way if done in right way, but most of the people take wrong way or use wrong laxatives, so that's why I have also listed top laxatives with reviews on my lose 10 pounds quickly website.
