Monday, March 7, 2011

'Messed Up' Hedgehog Babies

Over the constant din of human chatter I occasionally hear something that makes my right ear perk up and point. It happened the other day.

"Hedgehog babies are really messed up!", I heard a young woman (teenager!) say recently.

"Messed up? What do you mean?"

"I mean - they are really messed up. Google 'hedgehog babies'. You'll see what I mean! They roll up into a ball with their little feet and head sticking out. They look unnatural, not real!"

I have to admit I've never seen a picture of a baby hedgehog, now I had to see one. I googled and found a lot of pictures. They are cute! Probably the cutest things that have ever existed.

"Hedgehog babies are the cutest things ever! You have to agree....", I replied.

"Yea.", she said. "The are the cutest things ever. But they are messed up!"

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