Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meek's Cutoff Movie Review

My Rating: A
Warning: Little kids may be really bored.

This is an "independent" movie, the film didn't even cover the whole width of the screen. I saw it in a "regular" theater, which is quite a feat for a movie not designed to be a blockbuster.

The story was interesting, but more was the way it was told through the movie, very compelling. I found myself lost in the movie, truly engrossed. The ending is unique and leaves you thinking.

The movie is about a small group of pioneers in the 1850's traveling across the West for California. They have a braggart guide named Meek who gets them lost. They are running low on water. They capture an Indian who is leading them to water, or maybe not.

This movie has no killing, sex or swearing. At least I do not remember any swearing. No car chases! I often have trouble finding adult dramas that are appropriate for kids. This is one for sure.

The only negative thing is the the bad guy, Meek, treats the Indian very poorly. But the others rebel against that, so it evens out. One thing they should have left out of the movie - a woman uses the N- word. Yes, used in a context truthful to the period, but I'm tired of that.

This is an adult movie. Little children will be bored. Children 10 and above may like the movie, especially if they are fresh from studying the pioneer days in school. The movie is very realistic in the portrayal of these pioneers and their plight.

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